Best wineries in Bandol to have lunch with a view

Wine is NICE, visiting wineries is even NICER because you understand why the nice wine you tasted is made like that.

However : the NICEST is to have a great meal after the wine-tasting! And in PROVENCE, especially in summer, you want to be able to enjoy the SUPERB landscape. We, locals, sometimes take it for granted but the following wineries remind me we should NOT.

Because once you sit down, with a glass of wine and some tasty dishes in front of such views, you have to take it ALL in and remind yourself you are so LUCKY to be living in Provence!

And my favourite appellation being BANDOL, let’s concentrate on this one. So what are the BEST wineries in Bandol to have lunch with a view? (works also for dinner, don’t skip the article just YET).

La font des pères

Rumour has it that it all started in the XVIth century when monks established this hill, with its natural springs, as their HOUSEHOLD. And monks cultivate the vine at that time, so naturally they started planting VINES. This is where the name came from: “Font” for the natural springs and “pères” for the monks.

Four centuries later are planted the grape varieties we know TODAY : Clairette, Bourboulenc, Mourvèdre and Grenache. In 2010, Caroline et Philippe Chauvin buy the estate and start to extend it. Six hectares soon become 14 and today is La Font des Pères not only a winerie but has TWO restaurants and four villas who serve as bed and breakfast on their property.

Their gastronomic restaurant, La Ferme Auberge, is located ABOVE the winerie part of the estate. Its terrace offers an absolutely SLPENDID view on the Cadière d’Azur, where most of the Bandol vineyards lay. The view takes my breath away EVERY single time! And if you go to dine there in the evening, you will even be able to enjoy a colorful SUNSET. So if you enjoy views, wine and fine food, this is definitely the place for YOU!

Above this restaurant, they also opened a “Bistrot” if you are just looking to enjoy a glass (bottle?) of wine with a meat and cheese platter or a “plat du jour”. Mr and Mrs Chauvin used to be in the CAVIAR business. Indeed, they created in 1991, the “Comptoir du caviar”. So naturally, you will also be able to enjoy some caviar WITH your wine in front of this breath taking view.

Click here to book your meal (and/or visit and tasting)

Domaine la Bégude

This estate used to belong to MONKS also, but the story goes back even further : in the Xth century! It then used to be a SHELTER, where food and drinks were provided. However, in 1996, the Tari family (owner of Château Giscours, in Margaux) purchases the estate. Such as the Chavin family did with La Font des Pères, the Tari family extends the vineyard from 7.5ha to 30ha of vines! The wines are then aged in the chapel of “La Miséricorde de Conil” from the VIIth century. Recently, the Tari family has conceded this estate to Christian Roulleau, owner since 2019, of the Château Dauzac in Margaux.

The particularity about Domaine de la Bégude (and you will find it in the wines too, click here to book you tasting) is that the vines are situated on a hill, 400m above the sea. Thus its climate is different from the one described in the generic south of France article. Temperatures between day and night vary a LOT. Grapes will ripen slower than in the rest of the Bandol appellation. Go visit the winerie to taste the difference!

Now to the lunch with a view part : at the HEART of the estate, with a beautiful view on the SEA, you will be able to enjoy a “aperitif” with organic and local products to be paired with the estate’s wine! And afterwards, go for a digestive walk in one of the 5km tour between the vine the winerie offers.

You can contact the winerie on their email address ([email protected] or by telephone +33 4 42 08 92 34) to make a reservation!

For more information, check out their website here

In the summer – Château Val d’Arenc

This estate lies in front of the “Gros Cerveau”, a cliff in “le Beausset”. Many FOSSILS can be found in the SAND on the estate, hence the logo and the name. Indeed, in latin, “arena” means sand.

The family Sénéclauze, owner of the Château la Lauzade in the Côtes de Provence and Château Marquis de Terme in Margaux, buys this estate in 1991 and extends the vineyard to 25 ha.

Credits : Marcel Muller

The restaurant “Racines – cuisine de producteurs » established in Toulon in winter, takes over the summer kitchen on the winerie. Thus, every day of the work week, you can enjoy a meal (lunch or dinner), just beside the vines with a view on the “Gros Cerveau” and a view on your meal being prepared. In summer, they organize several theme dinners such as “evening truffle”, “evening lobster”, “evening saffron” …

For a 55€ fee, you can also enjoy a day by the swimming pool with the lunch!

Check out their website here!

In the summer – Les Terres Promises

This TERRACED hill with 7ha of old vines was purchased in 2004 .Unfortunately, the same year, a hailstorm destroyed most of the harvest. Survived only someOLD carignans, which became their FIRST cuvée : l’Antidote! Seven years later, their first Bandol sees the light of day : l’Amourvèdre.

In summer, they welcome a chef which will prepare meals with vegetables from the estate and work with local producers, and you can eat on site (Tuesday and Wednesday excluded).

Check out their website here!

Conclusion : Best wineries of Bandol to have lunch with a view

All in all, if you are looking to eat a fine MEAL, taste a nice BANDOL which enjoying a spectacular VIEW, your first choice should be la Font des Pères.

In a more intimate style, la Bégude is a superb alternative, by its wines and the view! You will feel on the top of the world and on the wine side, they were one of the FIRST to make rosé that could be kept over ten years!

With Château Val d’Arenc, you will be under the impression of eating in the middle of the vineyard with the reassuring shadow of the mountains. Bertrand Lherbette will delight your taste buds with his dishes made from local products : you will be entirely reconciled with any kind of vegetables at the end of the meal, their flavours being extraordinary!

Last, but not least, Terres Promises with its outstanding winemaker and an extended view on the vineyard.

Other wineries offer a tasting with food pairing in summer, such as La Bastide Blanche (their cuvée Fontanéou is absolutely oustanding, a real “coup de coeur”. Fruit, full-bodied and velvety texture with a powerfully LONG finish).

Domaine Bunan actually does it throughout the WHOLE year and it is FREE! Stay updated through their facebook page.

In the winter, Domaine Lou Capelan organizes evenings with melted cheese and meat (the famous French raclette!), which you can pair with their wines.


  • pasindu dimanka

    Wow, this is a great post. I like to have lunch with wine. It’s great when it has a good view. Also, thank you very much for the recommendations you have shown. I will definitely check them out. Thank you very much for this valuable detailed post about wineries in Bandol to have lunch with a view. I definitely share this. Keep posting like this.

    • Mademoiselle

      Thank you so much for stopping by and I am really glad you like the article. a good meal, good wine and a nice view are rare than we think unfortunately. Let me know which one was your favourite if you try one 🙂

  • Bojana

    A very good and interesting story. I’m not much of a wine connoisseur, but I like to choose a good bottle of white wine, especially when I have friends or relatives over. You need to spend a lot of money for a good bottle of wine. It’s good that you also mentioned the price here, so that people know approximately how much each wine costs.

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