
Hello mes chics, welcome to the Bordeaux category! I know what you might be thinking—“Why focus on Bordeaux wines when the motto is ‘Drink Beyond Bordeaux’?” Here’s the deal: When I started my wine journey, Bordeaux was the first place I dove into. It’s like the gateway that helped me build a solid foundation. My WSET teacher always said, “Start with Bordeaux,” and that’s exactly what I did. So why should you care? Understanding Bordeaux is like learning the basics of a new language. It gives you the context and knowledge that make exploring other wines even more exciting. Plus, it’s pretty fascinating! Here’s what you’ll find in this category: All about the French wine of Bordeaux Why do Brits call Bordeaux Claret What wine is most similar to Bordeaux Starting with Bordeaux isn’t just about sticking to the classics; it’s about building a strong base that makes exploring other wines even more rewarding. Think of it as your stepping stone to discovering wines from all over the world. Cheers to exploring Bordeaux and using it as a springboard for your wine adventures!