How long can you keep Zweigelt wine - bottles of Zweigelt wine

How long can you keep Zweigelt wine?

Zweigelt is a new variety selected in 1922 by Dr. Fritz Zweigelt, LFZ Klosterneuburg, from St. Laurent and Blaufränkisch. Its dissemination is due to the fact that Lenz Moser planted the variety in high culture on a large scale and recommended it to other winegrowers.

Towards the end of the last century, when areas cultivated for red wines were extended, Blauer Zweigelt became the most important red wine grape variety in Austria, across all wine regions.

What is Zweigelt?

Red wines from Zweigelt have violet reflections and high tannins. When fully matured, these wines are full-bodied with cherry aroma. Some are matured in barrels.

Zweigelt wines have a large palette of styles and can range from wines to be drunk young to opulent wines matured in barrels.

As this variety is undemanding towards soils, it is well spread in Austria. However, the best wines are found in Carnuntum and near Lake Neusiedl (in each post, you’ll find my favourite wineries).

A Zweigelt wine is best drunk in its youth

In order for a wine to age well, it must have high acidity, a high level of tannins and a sufficient concentration of flavours that can evolve in a positive way.

Zweigelt, as a grape has high acidity but low to medium tannins. Thus, it can be enjoyed within a few years of the vintage date.

Bigger, barrel-aged wines can improve for several years…

However, barrel-aging will bring tannins to the wines which will make them be able to age longer. Thus, full-bodied Zweigelt wine will be able to age for several years or even a decade or more.

…if you store Zweigelt properly

If you plan to store wine for the long term, it’s important to take care to ensure that it ages gracefully.

One of the most important factors in wine storage is temperature. Wine should be kept at a cool and constant temperature, ideally around 55°F (13°C), to avoid spoiling or developing off flavors.

Additionally, wine should be kept away from strong sunshine and broad artificial light, as these can cause the wine to age prematurely.

If a wine is sealed with a cork, it should be stored on its side to keep the cork moist and prevent it from drying out and allowing air to enter the bottle.

However, wines sealed with screw caps can be stored standing up without any issues. By following these basic guidelines for wine storage, you can ensure that your wines age gracefully and are enjoyable for years to come.

Conclusion : How long can you keep Zweigelt wine?

In summary, Zweigelt wine can be enjoyed within a few years of the vintage date, but some styles can age for a decade or more if stored properly. It’s always a good idea to check the specific recommendations for the wine you have purchased and consult with a wine professional if you have any questions.

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