Wines in Oberösterreich - Photo of Oberösterreich

Wines in Oberösterreich

The vineyards of the Austrian state (in addition to Carinthia, Salzburg, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg) belong to the smallest wine-growing region, Bergland.

This designation applies to table wines, while quality wines can be marketed under the label “Wine Region Upper Austria.”

Upper Austria is particularly renowned for its apple must, also known as “Landessäure.” but winemaking has a long tradition here, dating back to the times of the Celts and Romans. There was a golden age from the 14th to the 16th century.

History of wine in Oberösterreich

Back in the day, winemaking in Upper Austria was a big deal, with a rich tradition lasting until the late 17th century. But then, a little thing called the Little Ice Age came along and slowly put an end to the local vine scene.

Fast forward about 30 years, and some bold folks decided it was high time to start planting new vineyards in Upper Austria. In 2004, the Upper Austrian State Viticulture Association was born, led by the one and only ÖR Ing. Karl Eugen Velechovsky. Their mission? To take Upper Austrian winemaking to new heights in terms of quality.

With a boost from the then Agricultural State Councilor Dr. Josef Stockinger in 2008, the Upper Austrian Wine Law got the green light in the State Parliament. This law opened the doors for Upper Austria to be recognized as its own wine region. Since then, things have been looking up—currently (as of 2023), there are around 100 hectares of vineyards with vines in Upper Austria, and the good news is, it’s on the up and up!

Terroir in Oberösterreich


Upper Austria is a real gem in the world of winemaking, and what makes it special is its incredible variety. All across the region, you’ve got soils that are like a diverse mixtape—some heavy clay, some smooth loess, a bit of gravel, and even weathered rocks, limestone, and sandstone.

Now, because of these different soils, you end up with all sorts of wines, each with its own vibe and character.


Compared to the usual wine spots in Austria, Upper Austria rocks a cooler and more humid vibe. When it comes to growing grapes there, it’s all about finding those sweet spots with just the right climate to make sure those grapes have all the time they need to ripen perfectly.

Now, a lot of wine regions are feeling the heat (literally!) from climate change—think drought, too much heat, and wonky levels of acidity, sugar, and alcohol.

But here’s the twist in Upper Austria: these changes actually give us the chance to whip up some easygoing, fresh, and fruity wines that hit that perfect balance.

Grape varieties in Oberösterreich

In the land above the Enns River, they’re rocking over 70 different types of grapes. About two-thirds of the vineyards are all about those crisp white grapes, and the remaining third is dedicated to the bold red ones.

For white grape varieties, the dominant ones are:

  • Grüner Veltliner: 12 hectares
  • Chardonnay: 6.3 hectares
  • Gelber Muskateller: 4.7 hectares
  • Sauvignon Blanc: 3.9 hectares
  • Donauriesling: 2.6 hectares (PIWI)
  • Müller x Thurgau: 2.5 hectares
  • Muscaris: 2.5 hectares (PIWI)
  • Donauveltliner: 2.3 hectares (PIWI)
  • Bronner: 1.4 hectares (PIWI)
  • Blütenmuskateller: 1.1 hectares (PIWI)

For red grapes, the predominant ones are:

  • Muscat bleu: 5.1 hectares (PIWI)
  • Zweigelt: 4.3 hectares
  • Blauer Burgunder: 3.5 hectares
  • Concordia: 2.2 hectares
  • Blauer Wildbacher: 1.1 hectares
  • Roesler: 1 hectare (PIWI)
  • Cabernet Sauvignon: 0.8 hectares

So, in Upper Austria, these PIWI varieties (the ones that can resist fungi) are stepping into the spotlight right alongside the classic grape gang for eco-friendly wine making.

And you know what’s cool? These guys are like the superheroes of the vine world—they can handle diseases and pests like champs, which means we don’t need to use as much pesticide.

Wineries in Oberösterreich

Right now, there are about 40 winemakers in Upper Austria, rocking the world of professional wine growing. They’re tending to around 100 hectares of vineyards, and guess what? That area keeps growing every year.

These vine vibes are spreading all over the province, with a cool cluster along the Danube and in the central hotspot between Linz, Wels, and Steyr.

You can find the list here. More information on these wineries can be found here.

Wine Festivals in Oberösterreich

Wein & Genuss: Every year, Vinaria, Austria’s leading wine magazine, hosts an event at the Design Center of Linz to kick off the wine year. You’ll be able to savor and purchase exquisite wines. The fair features representations from various Austrian wine regions and international wineries, offering a diverse selection for tasting.

You can also indulge in regional delights and foreign specialties, including beer, cider, and bacon from Upper Austria, gourmet meatloaf, game products from the Waldviertel, fresh crêpes, Kaiserschmarren with apricot jam, and an extensive array of premium spirits.

There are scheduled expertly commented master classes for the enthusiasts, set to take place in the new studio of the Design Center Linz. The venue boasts convenient access to the public transport network, while those driving can make use of outdoor and underground parking facilities, available for a fee directly at the Design Center.

Concerning the tickets, choose from single-day or two-day tickets, with discounted options for Vinaria subscribers and OÖ Nachrichten-Club members.

Other information you may need can be found on the official website.

Wein und Genuss Frühling: This is a smaller wine festival that takes place in Vöcklabruck every year. It features a more intimate atmosphere than Wein & Genuss, and it is a great opportunity to try some of the wines from the Kremstal region.

Just as Wein and Genuss, you can also join in masterclasses to broaden your knowledge on wines.

You can find more information and buy tickets on the official website.

Weinfest Lentia City: This wine festival takes place in the Lentia City shopping center in Linz every year. It is a great place to try wines from a variety of different wineries, and it also features food stalls and live music.

Practical information:

  • Dates: Typically held in March or April (exact datesto be found on the website).
  • Location: Lentia City shopping mall, Linz, Austria. Easily accessible by public transportation or car (parking available).
  • Tickets: Required for entry and can be purchased online or at the door.
  • Website:

Weinfest PlusCity: This wine festival takes place in the PlusCity shopping center in Linz every year. It is similar to Weinfest Lentia City, but it is a bit larger and it features more food stalls and live music.

You can find all the information you need on their website.

Conclusion : Wines in Oberösterreich

In Oberösterreich, the tradition of winemaking has endured challenges and seen a remarkable revival. Thanks to the establishment of the Upper Austrian State Viticulture Association and the enactment of the Upper Austrian Wine Law, the local wine scene has flourished, and the vineyards now cover around 100 hectares as of 2023.

The terroir of Upper Austria has diverse mix of soils and a unique climate. Over 70 different grape varieties, both classic and eco-friendly PIWI, grow there.

With approximately 40 passionate winemakers cultivating around 100 hectares of vineyards, the wine culture continues to grow, forming clusters along the Danube and in central hotspots.

To experience the richness of Upper Austrian wines, you can explore renowned festivals like Wein & Genuss, Wein und Genuss Frühling, Weinfest Lentia City, and Weinfest PlusCity. For more details and updates, visit the official websites of these festivals and wineries.

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